
Connecting On The Phone - Home Based Business

Connecting On The Phone - Home Based BusinessIf you really want to explode your home based business, you need to connect with your prospects on the phone. Its where my business started to turn around. The internet is massively powerful for one thing. Its ability to enable you generate massive amounts of leads online. But that is where it ends. The really successful marketers are able to connect with their prospects on a one to one level. This is vital to their success.As you start to engage with your prospects on the phone, remember the following. The one who is asking most of the questions is the air swimmers one who holds the power. This is otherwise know as "posture". The best network marketers when prospecting have fantastic phone skills. They never come across as needy. There posture is one of abundance. They are qualifying you with every question they ask. They are demanding that you step up to the mark if you want to work with them, They do not care if you join them or not. They have a mindset of abundance. As well as having an abundance of leads in their funnel daily, they also know that there is an abundance of fantastic network marketers with which they can associate with.There is no excuse for you not picking up the phone when prospecting for your home based business. Wherever you are in the world, there are fantastic call packages that you can avail of that can have you connect with prospects for practical nothing. I am currently involved in a fantastic attraction marketing system and all the time the leaders who are on top of the leader boards are the ones who are phoning their prospects. Prospects are crying out for leadership. Jimmy Davis , one of my mentors always says in his marketing that your prospects are looking for a lizard. They are looking for the person that finally will put an end to their problems in their network marketing business. That person is you when you are ready to step up to the plate , get on the phone and show leadership.When you do this, you will become to know yourself as someone you did not think you could become. You will become peoples lizard. When you have these skills learned, you will never again have to sell your business to anybody. So how do you become a leader.? Well, you have to learn a new skill set. When you can give more value to the market place, you will always get back success in return. As Americas foremost philosopher says watch repair tools " When you increase your value in the market place, you attract success as people always follow value". So why do some network marketers sponsor 20 people a month whilst others struggle to get one?. Its easy, the leaders have built value in themselves and therefore attracted huge success. So if you want to really become successful in network marketing, increase your value. This is a tremendous industry but the top 3% make 97% of the money. They do this because they are the most valuable. Dollars always follow value. To start making yourself more valuable starting from right now, see below

